ABOUT TROPICALITY ENTERPRISESStoa SourcebookTropicality Enterprises was created mostly by mistake in 2019. That year, founder Jonathan Helton supplied foreign aid generics to TP teams across the country. Coincidentally (or as we'd like to think, not) both teams in TP finals (Kolli-Mehta and Hoagland-Wilkins) were recipients of Tropicality Enterprises' material. We evolved from there and have offered both TP and LD sourcebooks. In the 20-21 season, several TE-backed teams went deep in NITOC outrounds. Now, those competitors are here to help you succeed.
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The TeamOur WritersWe've assembled a top-tier team of writers this year. From Tennessee to Texas, they competed at and won many Stoa tournaments in their time and are now here to help you do the same.
Thoughts on Debate
This is the place where we may occasionally share our thoughts on debate cases, theory, or even various public policy issues